Monday, May 21, 2012

Duck Lady at UC Davis

Now that my first year at USC is over, I'm visiting my best buddy over at Davis. Had to occupy some time while she did her homework and designed this chick. This piece has a bit more of the fashion vibe than I like, but I'm okay with it. Would love to do a walk cycle of this character, though I'd simplify the design and it'd take a while and a light table I don't have right now. Don't expect one any time soon.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Drawings and Updates

So I've revamped the site so it will be more accessible and more professional, and added a resume. The change was long overdue. I'm still having trouble with fonts, however, so if you see Comic Sans or something equally nasty, I assure you it's meant to actually be a quite nice font, but the site keeps spitting it out differently.
Also, here's some of my art from my drawing class last semester! Hopefully I'll have more illustrative and conceptual art up soon. (Also, sorry for the low quality of these photos--I'll try to get better soon.)